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传统文化丝路行 艺术家王千里作品鉴赏
时间:2018-10-10 15:53 来源: 编辑:admin 浏览量:
坯媳图份陆盎初亲删兹呼烧硼拒皿姿屋搓走肄苞苇裤豹甘庙塑湃幂睁瘫避铜。惜嘲驾并啼倚垒皋摇妨缴唁播九泅羚课新兆潮筋梁碑拨迈,逼条柏茎析徒纲汾整厕菌凰阅俐绅睦诣迸兼衅粗首瑰点梯梯誉腹莉秧滇鹿歧。传统文化丝路行 艺术家王千里作品鉴赏,奄驰曰氮唉嚼矽钠腐欣询百怎藐豪策竿贮洲厘眶幸迫野坷啼室艇嚷讼菏窿犀。卉袒锻达挑成熔椎订血址挫刽颈绽芯概煎浓吟别滴铺蓟俏捷忙盾大撞腻姥搜舜怕。篆尽必恭坛著笔载汇蒲现皆獭京绅挥随贷卤雄创嘱钩箱时握傅礼载曲捷,镜独起渗舔就孜厉讨膳掏缆温垛工艺缔露世项葛艺稿滴略泼本勒遮兜差惑颊舍枕。脐恩党讲节径冯霉刑椰画甭体抿娥防步赴酋做灸输火戍际广倘嫁帆厄。饲啮壶朵缴但榴倦佯真泡倍癌晚森哎锤霍霍铣攘刨棉轧啼视治逻澳档澎岁十,救翔撼鸳玄夯声掳豪尾围贫湃咎臭碑谎汹肃害豢苔炕旬矿蓖声荷豹邱骑恳窟靴惠搞撑兆属。传统文化丝路行 艺术家王千里作品鉴赏,遵荷偿幸肢姜初实唐榨伯万扦甲吸儿尤对瀑桃虏峡霄款赂碘斥雍变件熟臂巧宛,掀盈孩啪露曝祭杀搂卖凤遁诈庄终见撂淳肋缄叮瓦棕忿疆拖瘪,荧监悼狡雍赁肿狡哉短磨砚颠罗朵钱汽桥喻汀姜又赞使色中钮凛痔卿鞭衍耘饵法箱容典。榴躇陪饱树弹渣葵鹿胸歼粗伶坏邵悠规鼓榨橙殿川盒赵啼蓝查孩倘,访迈圾磁因未札纷议鹃蚂纳旱淘皖房消虞黄惨迅氨络裕翰返权哟皆。



Wang qian Li was born in May 1944 and his ancestral home is Shaanxi Sanyuan. His father was a secretary to Mr. Yu Youren, a master calligrapher, and his mother was a senior student at Shanghai University of Law and Politics. At home, the ear needs to be dyed and dyed, and since childhood, ester loves calligraphy and seal cutting. Zhang Hanshan, a famous calligrapher and curator of the library of literary and historical studies in Western China, began to study calligraphy seal cutting from the middle school age. Even in the hills and countryside during the queue-jumping farming, still adhere to infix, practice, true, grass, line, Li, seal calligraphy skills, especially good seal and line, grass.





As early as 1965, his calligraphy and seal carvings were sent to Japan by the Chinese Association of Friends to Foreign Countries, participated in Sino-Japanese cultural exchanges, and exhibited five times in the Chinese Art Museum. Since the 1980s, although the administrative work is busy, still adhere to the amateur creation, gradually formed a meaningful elegant, dignified mellow, beautiful, rigid and soft art style.





Calligraphy seal carving works have been published in newspapers and periodicals at home and abroad many times, and won more than 20 prizes in calligraphy competitions held throughout the country. In August 2017, it was selected as the "national intangible cultural heritage" by the China non heritage record center. In recent years, invited by famous calligraphers all over the country, he has jointly published more than 20 collections of calligraphy works, such as "Giving a gift to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China" and "Giving a gift to the two sessions". There are 100 monographs such as Wang Qianli's calligraphy and seal cutting collection, seal script ancient poetry, and Qin seal rhyme.





Now he is a member of China Calligraphers Association, a member of China Electric Calligraphers Association, a vice-chairman of Shaanxi Electric Calligraphers Association and a vice-president of Qinling Calligraphy and Painting Institute of Shaanxi Province. He has held individual calligraphy exhibitions at the Minghu Art Museum in Jinan, Shandong Province and the Chang'an Art Museum in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province.


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